Redwood Lumber for Sale
Redwood Lumber Supply
Redwood lumber is in limited Supply. YES we have Redwood lumber and decking for sale, but get in touch ASAP for a quote on your project. All supply mills across North America have reached the point where redwood is no longer a commodity good but a collector's item.
All Buffalo Lumber orders are delivered MILL DIRECT to your JOB SITE. Our orders are custom milled and factory finished. All communication is handled personally - by phone and email.
Our normal lead time from order to door is 2 - 8 weeks.
Once your order is placed, we stay in email and phone contact with you throughout the course of your order. Your salesman will be available to answer any questions you may have along the way. Delays, though unlikely, do happen and you'll be the first to know if that's the case. Buffalo Lumber takes pride in our products and customer service and we are committed to making sure your wood and experience with Buffalo Lumber is the best in the industry...from forest to front door.
We can help you plan your project. We will get your order in the queue so it is ready when you are.
Buy Redwood Lumber
Supply is limited and pricing inconsistent because the costs of production vary significantly as stock diminishes. The size, grade and pattern you want may not be millable from stock on hand close enough to your job site to accurately predict pricing on our website.
For the moment we can still source redwood lumber from the old timer mills who stockpiled timbers but we can no longer advertise prices online since they change frequently and are dependent on inventory in hand at time of inquiry.
REDWOOD is rare and expensive but VALUE enhancing. People just love it. Redwood Lumber is a durable softwood - lighter and easy to work with compared to exotic Hardwoods - resistant to cupping and warping.
The difference between Redwood Lumber SAP Wood and HEART Wood ? Color Contrast and Resistance to Elements.
Things you should know about Redwood before you buy it!
Redwood Lumber is divided into two distinct grade categories:
All HEART Redwood & SAP Redwood.
Sap Redwood Lumber contains a mix of Heart and Sap wood. It's defining characteristic is the stark contrast between the light and dark colors of the board. Color can range from bright white and creamy yellow to dark red on the same board. The primary SAP Redwood lumber grades are Construction Common, B Common and Clear Common.
Redwood Lumber - SAP Wood Construction GradeRedwood Lumber - HEART Wood Construction Grade
If you don't see the word "Heart" associated with a redwood lumber grade it means sap wood is allowable in the grade. There is no grade limit on the amount of sap that is allowable but rule of thumb is about 50/50 white wood to red wood. I personally think Sap Redwood is the best value in appearance grade wood available. It is so strikingly different from anything on the market that it creates curb appeal and VALUE!
All Heart Redwood Lumber is milled from the center of the tree and is often specified for its natural resistance to moisture and insects and reduced maintenance. The primary grades of All heart Redwood are Construction Heart, Select Knotty Heart, Heart B and Clear All Heart.
Redwood lumber, siding and decking are often specified by architects due to a reputation earned when they were milling 2000 year old trees. The thing about today's redwood is that it is primarily 2nd growth trees being milled. This means it is one of the most sustainably harvested woods on the planet but it also means redwood does not perform like it used to.
Due to the use of 2nd growth trees the decay resistance factor for "all heart" redwood has been downgraded from excellent to moderate. What this means to you is that if you use heart redwood you will still need to protect it to keep it looking beautiful.
Redwood is milled in Northern California in limited quantities which means that fewer lumber yards outside of the West Coast carry it so shipping can make it a more expensive option than Cedar.
Redwood Market Prices Mill Select, Near Clear, Clear Grades
CAH (Clear All Heart) Redwood Lumber is the best of the best.
We have customers who want the wood to weather naturally without any initial preservative on it and All Heart Redwood
is the only way to do that. You want an "All Heart" classification for maximum performance in tough
climates with minimal maintenance. Clear All Heart Vertical Grain redwood lumber (CAH VG) will last 30 years and still be beautiful.
With heartwood you can stain OR let the wood weather naturally to a color you like and then preserve that color with
treatments. Redwood will turn a beautiful silver grey color when exposed to direct sunlight (it can also turn black in wet climates so that
needs to be considered).
Cost of Redwood Lumber
The PRICING of CAH Redwood - Mixed Grain, Vertical Grain, Tight Grain
The blunt part of the equation comes with the
price of Heart Redwood. Once you have decided on all heart the next
thing that affects price is the number of knots you can allow. The fewer knots the higher the price. The next price jump is the angle of the
grain - mixed grain vs vertical grain. Vertical is rarer and Tight Grain - 9 or more annual growth rings per inch - even more rare and costly.
Sadly, the reputation for redwood's vaunted performance was earned during the clear cutting of 90% of all old growth redwood forests before the year 1960.
The products made from these 2000+ year old trees had incredible performance properties due in no small part to the tightness of the annual growth rings.
Sustainable harvesting methods are intended to preserve the species survival while maintaining environmental balance. In order to achieve these goals the
grade rules allow the use of products made from New Growth forests.
New Growth are trees that grew in an area after logging or another disturbance which removed Old Growth trees. 2nd growth redwoods can grow very fast, in
optimal conditions a redwood can grow as much as six feet a year or more. A forest in Humboldt Redwood State Park, logged 80 years ago reports New Growth
trees that are nearly 200 feet tall today.
This rapid growth creates annual growth rings that are spaced much farther apart than old growth. A product made from old growth could have as many as
annual growth rings per inch. A product made from New Growth trees could have as few as 1 ring per inch.
If NO grain designation is made "Mixed Grain" is the standard.
The visual variation in a "Clear All Heart" Designation with no reference to grain is striking in both color and consistency.
In the All Heart Redwood picture above the Appearance, Uniformity of grain and Texture of the grain varies from board to board. The boards I am pointing to are both vertical grain -
the one in the center is
tight vertical grain. The surrounding boards are mixed grain. This was a Redwood Heart Mixed grain order that included some Vertical Grain
boards. There is usually some percentage of VG included with all mixed grain heartwood orders and you can select for a more consistent look by grading
through your lumber boards before you install.
We have Redwood Heartwood in knotty (Con Heart) which allows knots every 6 inches on any given board and is pretty knotty. For knot
loving customers it is not a problem. This is the most economical grade of heartwood lumber.
Next we have Heart B which is an excellent grade for people who prefer fewer knots but don't mind a few. Our Heart B allows
one or two knots per board and has consistent runs of knot free boards.
Then we have Clear All Heart which means no knots. This is the premium grade and the most expensive of the lot.
California Redwood Association Redwood Grade Descriptions & Diagrams
Redwood Lumber Grades
Redwood "Clear All Heart" (CAH) grade contains only wood from the heart of the tree and is the finest architectural redwood grade. It is free of all defects on one face. The reverse face is allowed slight imperfections.
Redwood "Clear" grade is the same quality as "Clear All Heart" - the finest architectural heartwood grade - except that it contains sapwood in varying amounts and is allowed slight visual imperfections (which we consider character) on both faces. As far as allowable flaws and defect is concerned it is very similar to Clear All Heart - as far as resistance to moisture, rot and insects is concerned it is nothing like "all heart" redwood and needs to be protected in order to perform.
CRA - Redwood SAP B GradeCRA - Redwood STK Con-Common Grade
The other difference between CLEAR and CLEAR ALL HEART redwood grades is visual - the sap is bright yellow and the heart is deep red. The contrast can be striking. This contrast is beautiful to some (myself included) and this is the least expensive way to get the fewest amount of knots. You are giving up resistance and uniformity but you can augment resistance with technology and "tone" the contrast with stains.
What Our Customers Say
I’m building a new home on Lake Sawyer in Black Diamond, WA. When I was clearing the property I salvaged two giant sequoia trees and several cedar trees. I logged and milled them into 1x6 T&G paneling.
I used the Redwood beams I purchased from you to go in the great room/kitchen/dining room wing of my house. I’m going to use my redwood T&G paneling for the ceiling. I used the cedar I purchased from you to build the eyebrow over my garages. I’m using the cedar 1x6 T&G for all my exterior soffits.
I’m very excited to see how it will all come together.
Steve Bell, Bellmont Cabinet Co from Black Diamond, Washington (7th February 2020)
We carry products from suppliers located all across the country so each delivery will be calculated based on location of customer, location of product manufacturer and weight of total shipment. See Areas we ship to and Delivery Information.
International Shipping and Delivery
Buffalo Lumber offers full 20 and 40 foot container quotes internationally. Europe, Asia, Africa - anywhere a container will go we can get it there. We can only quote full 20 and 40 foot containers - smaller shipments would be customer arranged.
Making mistakes - Fixing something that goes wrong costs 10 times more than it does to do the job right in the first place. Consult with a Buffalo Lumber Milling Expert today.